2024 C3 Kids Camp Leader in Training Program (LTP)

If you will be entering Grades 7-9 in the Fall of 2024, you have the opportunity to be an LTP! 

As an LTP, you will work alongside our camp staff to deliver a fun and memorable program to our campers. Every morning before camp you will join us for a huddle, where we will have a devotional and pray together. You will also participate in leadership sessions, designed to help you grow in skills such as responsibility, communication, and teamwork. This program will not only give you more confidence as a leader, but will be tons of fun too.

After you have filled out this form, we will be in contact with you to arrange an interview. We want to make sure this program is the right fit!

Parents and guardians, please allow your child to fill out the first portion of this form. The last portion is for you! 

Youth Form

Parent Form

Please note: this is only an interest form. Once your child is accepted in the program, we will ask for medical, allergy and emergency contact info.